

Sustainably Secure Grants: A Nonprofit’s Guide for Harnessing Funding Support – eBook

By Spark Point / August 27, 2024

In your pursuit of change, you have a lot of to-dos. Among them may be to apply for a grant (or several). Maybe you’ve never done this before and don’t know where to start. Or you need a refresher and some new ideas to make an impact. No matter where you are in your grant-seeking…

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Want to Win at Grant Writing? Stick With Humans—Not ChatGPT

By Spark Point / July 24, 2023

AI tools like ChatGPT for grant writing may seem like a smart solution for your nonprofit, but human expertise still wins out. Learn the key reasons why.

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Raise More Money Sustainably: Align Your Fundraising Strategy to Your Nonprofit’s Mission

By Whitney Brimfield / June 14, 2023

For sustainable funding your fundraising strategy has to align with your nonprofit’s mission. Learn the signs of mission creep & how to find the right donors.

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Rev up Your Nonprofit’s Revenue With a Diversified Fundraising Strategy

By Whitney Brimfield / May 9, 2023

Strengthen your nonprofit fundraising strategy & the impact of your mission. Learn why diversified funding is key to increasing your organization’s revenue.

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Dy Brown Encourages Young Adults to Own The Power of Their Voice

By Spark Point / March 1, 2023

Dy Brown is Deputy Executive Director at Young Invincibles, a nonprofit focused on amplifying young adult voices in the political process, especially in the areas of healthcare, higher education, workforce development, and civic engagement. From an early age, Dy knew she had the power to make a difference in the world. Her mother was an…

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Spark Point’s 9th Anniversary: 9 Questions with the Sparkle Squad! 

By Spark Point / February 21, 2023

It’s our birthday! Since 2014, we have been growing, serving our clients and communities, and staying true to our values. During this special time we want to look back to meaningfully reflect on how we got here, celebrate our successes, assess our challenges, and discuss our visions for the future. To learn more about this,…

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Spark Point Fundraising’s 2022 Annual Report: Advancing Our Company Values

By Spark Point / February 14, 2023

2022 was a banner year for us here at Spark Point Fundraising! In addition to serving our clients, Spark Point doubled down on our commitment to our company values last year.   Serving our NONPROFIT SECTOR Clients with INGENUITY We understand and value the nonprofit sector for its ability to change the world in meaningful and…

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Adapting to the Fundraising Landscape

By Spark Point / February 14, 2023

Our highest priority is delivering value, expanding capacity, and securing funding for our clients every single day. An important way we accomplish this is by staying up-to-date on fundraising trends, accessing landscape trends across our client base, and adapting to the ever-changing challenges. After evaluating the results of the Annual Report and gathering feedback from…

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Spark Point Company Retreat 2022

By Spark Point / February 8, 2023

In October 2022, the Spark Point team gathered in Washington DC for our annual company retreat! For a remote company like us, retreats are essential to team bonding, enhancing collaboration, maintaining the relationships that help us do good work, and planning for the future. We started planning on August 10 –  everything from the venue…

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Introducing “ACCELERATE!” – An affordable, effective way to help your nonprofit build a grants portfolio!

By Spark Point / October 26, 2022

Malcom X famously said, “When ‘I’ is replaced with ‘We’, even the illness becomes wellness”. For those of us in the nonprofit sector, this sentiment resonates across both our daily and professional lives. Nonprofit organizations, especially smaller nonprofits, invest so much time, effort, and heart into giving to their communities and fulfilling their missions. Sometimes,…

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